
Sankt-Peterburg and Leningrad Oblast • Kunstfreund

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  • Vincent van Gogh. Bedroom in Arles (first version)
    Vincent van Gogh. 杏仁花分行
    Vincent van Gogh. A view of the sea at Scheveningen
    Vincent van Gogh. The brothel
    Vincent van Gogh. Starry night
  • Pablo Picasso. The absinthe drinker
    Pablo Picasso. Nude in a red armchair
    Pablo Picasso. Lady with a Fan
    Pablo Picasso. 两名妇女在沙滩上奔跑(芭蕾舞剧《蓝色快车》的窗帘)
    Pablo Picasso. 格尔尼卡
  • Claude Monet. Rouen Cathedral, the portal and the Tour d Alban in the sun
    Claude Monet. 巴黎Gare Saint-Lazare火车到达
    Claude Monet. The Rue Montorgueil in Paris, festival of 30 June 1878
    Claude Monet. Grainstack (Sunset)
    Claude Monet. Arch to the West from Etretat