Roger rescues Angelica

Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres • Malerei, 1819, 147×190 cm
Über das Kunstwerk
Kunstgattung: Malerei
Motiv und Objekte: Akt, Literarische Szene
Kunststil: Manierismus
Technik: Öl
Materialien: Leinwand
Erstellungsdatum: 1819
Größe: 147×190 cm
Mindestalter 18 Jahre
Region: Paris, France
Standort: Louvre, Paris
Das Kunstwerk befindet sich in den ausgewählten Sammlungen: 38 selections

Bildbeschreibung «Roger rescues Angelica»

Picture "Roger rescues Angelica" Ingres wrote based on the poem by Ludovico Ariosto's rasender Roland. In the story, the beautiful Angelica is chained to a rock and left to be devoured by the sea monster. Her rescuer, the knight Roger, who flew on a mythical animal with the head of an eagle and body of a horse. Picture style best be described as modernized by Ingres mannerism.

Light body Angelica stands out against the dark cliffs, the sea and the beast. Long wavy hair girls like continue. Traditionally, Ingres female body seems devoid any angles and sharp lines, it consists of curves, twists and waves. The contrast with the face are solved not only in color (it glows white, he is a dark gold), Angelica fully Nude, he is dressed in gleaming chain mail. Roger and Angelica are two poles of beauty: the defenseless women and warlike men. Spear, Roger plays the role of axis, combining the painting in one whole and connecting all parts of it.

The figure of Angelica critics had many questions. Ingres was accused that her hand is like no bones that the neck third chest has grown (neck does look weird full), and head back extremely mannered (recognize that). But king Louis XVIII came in delight from this picture and bought it for the throne room of the Palace of Versailles. Later it was moved to the Luxembourg Museum, and then got to the Louvre.

Author: Alain Esaulova
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