A series of "Disparates" worksheet 02: the Folly of fear

Francisco Goya • Grafik, 1819, 24.4×35.3 cm
Über das Kunstwerk
Kunstgattung: Grafik
Motiv und Objekte: Genre-Szene
Materialien: Papier
Erstellungsdatum: 1819
Größe: 24.4×35.3 cm
Das Kunstwerk befindet sich in den ausgewählten Sammlungen: 15 selections
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Other artworks by this artist
"Understand? That all was on-to mine, do you hear? And not..." (Series "Caprichos", page 76)
"Understand? That all was on-to mine, do you hear? And not..." (Series "Caprichos", page 76)
1799, 21.5×15 cm
The family of Charles IV, a fragment
The family of Charles IV, a fragment
1800, 28×19.5 cm
The series "disasters of war", page 60: Anyone who helped them
The series "disasters of war", page 60: Anyone who helped them
1814, 15.2×20.3 cm
The pattern for a series of etchings Caprichos: a Woman with a naked sword and head Modern Judith
The pattern for a series of etchings Caprichos: a Woman with a naked sword and head Modern Judith
1797, 21.5×15.5 cm
The Tribunal of the Inquisition
The Tribunal of the Inquisition
1814, 73×46 cm
Digital copy
Series Tavromahiya sheet: Dogs attack the bull
Series Tavromahiya sheet: Dogs attack the bull
1815, 24.5×35 cm
A series of "Tauromachia", sheet 24: The same Ceballos, jumping on another bull, stabs lance in the arena of Madrid
A series of "Tauromachia", sheet 24: The same Ceballos, jumping on another bull, stabs lance in the arena of Madrid
1815, 24.2×35.5 cm
Karl III. Als Jäger verkleidet
Karl III. Als Jäger verkleidet
1788, 207×126 cm
Digital copy
1777, 104×152 cm
Digital copy
Storm of the fortress on the rock
Storm of the fortress on the rock
1813, 84×103.1 cm
Digital copy
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