
Camille Corot • Grafik, 1871, 21.8×27.8 cm
Über das Kunstwerk
Kunstgattung: Grafik
Motiv und Objekte: Landschaft, Genre-Szene
Kunststil: Romantik
Materialien: Papier
Erstellungsdatum: 1871
Größe: 21.8×27.8 cm
Das Kunstwerk befindet sich in den ausgewählten Sammlungen: 3 selections
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Other artworks by this artist
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A horseman waiting on a dirt road
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Road to Sevres
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Wil d'avre
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1867, 49.3×65.5 cm
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1826, 36.3×28.3 cm
Halt on the glade
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1857, 16×18.7 cm
Edge of the forest in Wil d'Avray
Edge of the forest in Wil d'Avray
XIX Jahrhundert, 35×46 cm
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City and Lake Como
City and Lake Como
1834, 29.5×42 cm
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Remembering Ba-Breo
Remembering Ba-Breo
1858, 19×15 cm
Hut and Mill on the Creek
Hut and Mill on the Creek
1831, 53×54 cm
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Rest of the philosophers
Rest of the philosophers
1871, 21.6×14.4 cm