Breasts and landscape

Alexander Vladimirovich Andreev • Digitale Kunst, 2020, 5.4×8.9 cm
Über das Kunstwerk
This artwork has been added by an Arthive user, if it violates copyright please tell us.
Kunstgattung: Digitale Kunst
Motiv und Objekte: Landschaft, Akt, Allegorische Szene
Kunststil: Impressionismus
Materialien: Digitale Datei
Erstellungsdatum: 2020
Größe: 5.4×8.9 cm

Beschreibung des Kunstwerks «Breasts and landscape»

NFT file. Description: female breasts. From the author: Allegory. Beautiful breasts and moment. Open organic natural space. Not clear white stripe as allegorical symbol that everything is good, organic.