A woman in the water looking at a mouse

Alexander Vladimirovich Andreev • Digitale Kunst, , 54×89 cm
Über das Kunstwerk
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Kunstgattung: Digitale Kunst
Kunststil: Symbolismus
Materialien: Digitale Datei
Größe: 54×89 cm

Beschreibung des Kunstwerks «A woman in the water looking at a mouse»

NFT file. Digital Painting. Symbolizes the limited world of a single individual's soul.
Other artworks by this artist
My minimalism.
My minimalism.
20.11.2020, 54×89 cm
Water Nymph
Water Nymph
21.04.2021, 54×89 cm
Stormy skies at sea, a woman bird
Stormy skies at sea, a woman bird
19.04.2020, 54×89 cm
Blood Swamp and Darkness
Blood Swamp and Darkness
30.01.2023, 54×89 cm
The coming of colors
The coming of colors
28.09.2022, 54×89 cm
Alice. Barefoot on the grass.
Alice. Barefoot on the grass.
20.09.2022, 89×112 cm
Mouse elephants. Another World
Mouse elephants. Another World
07.04.2001, 54×89 cm
The River
The River
11.02.2021, 54×89 cm
Alien Sweetheart
Alien Sweetheart
Our GOD we are the gods
Our GOD we are the gods
02.12.2022, 54×89 cm
Empfohlene Kunstwerke:
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Natbrmort of uveta and apricot
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Still life with grapefruit
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Tatiana Gogoloshvili. Outlook.
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Polina Razumova. A kitten in a pond
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Оксана Токарева. 9 кругов чего?
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