Digital copy: 6.0 MB
3075 × 4226 px • JPEG
16 × 21.9 cm • 488 dpi
52.1 × 71.6 cm • 150 dpi
26.0 × 35.8 cm • 300 dpi
Digital copy is a high resolution file, downloaded by the artist or artist's representative. The price also includes the right for a single reproduction of the artwork in digital or printed form.
Über das Kunstwerk
Kunstgattung: Malerei
Kunststil: Barock
Technik: Öl
Materialien: Kupfer
Erstellungsdatum: 1644
Größe: 21.9×16 cm
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Other artworks by this artist
Landscape with fishermen
Landscape with fishermen
1640-er , 18×28.5 cm
Alter Mann und Jungfrau
Alter Mann und Jungfrau
1639, 55×90 cm
Digital copy
Laughing peasants in the kitchen (Village Songs)
Laughing peasants in the kitchen (Village Songs)
1633, 31×55 cm
Digital copy
A man with a glass and an old woman with a pipe
A man with a glass and an old woman with a pipe
1645, 23.8×34.3 cm
Digital copy
1637, 25×19.5 cm
Digital copy
Gallery Archduke Leopold in Brussels
Gallery Archduke Leopold in Brussels
1639, 96×128 cm
1644, 50.5×70.5 cm
Digital copy
Erzherzog Leopold Wilhelm in seiner Kunstgalerie in Brüssel
Erzherzog Leopold Wilhelm in seiner Kunstgalerie in Brüssel
1651, 104.8×130.4 cm
Digital copy
Card players
Card players
1645, 39.4×52 cm
Digital copy
Backgammon players
Backgammon players
1645, 37.5×56.7 cm
Digital copy
Empfohlene Kunstwerke:
George Alexandre Vagan. Natbrmort of uveta and apricot
Natbrmort of uveta and apricot
40×30 cm
Tatiana Gogoloshvili. Outlook.
  • Werbung
2024, 50×70 cm
Olga Shatskaya. Indian ringed parrot
  • Werbung
Indian ringed parrot
2025, 40×40 cm
Polina Razumova. Still life with grapefruit
  • Werbung
Still life with grapefruit
2022, 35×25 cm
Polina Razumova. Home in the woods
  • Werbung
Home in the woods
2024, 24×18 cm