Р. Л.

Love Makovsky • Malerei, 2016, 80×80 cm
Über das Kunstwerk
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Kunstgattung: Malerei
Kunststil: Abstraktion
Technik: Öl
Materialien: Leinwand
Erstellungsdatum: 2016
Größe: 80×80 cm
Region: Tyumen
Eigentümer: Love Makovsky

Bildbeschreibung «Р. Л.»

This abstract is dedicated to the brilliant representative of pop art, Roy Lichtenstein.
Lichtenstein lived and worked in New York City.
Before finding his style, he tried his hand at Cubism, Expressionism and other styles. In the 1960s he turned to Pop Art.
The artist used easily recognizable objects in his paintings, such as labels from tin cans, scraps of photographs, beer corks, etc. In his search for self-expression, Lichtenstein turned to comic books and based his imagery on them. He monumentalized fragments and characters from comic books by zooming in, reproducing the original color and quality of cheap printing.
Lichtenstein would take a small picture that fit into an opaque projector and project the drawing onto a canvas. He would then move his pencil across the canvas, looking for lines that he felt harmonized.
In his paintings, the artist used rigid, clear contours, employed a simplified color scheme and commercial printing. He also borrowed the dot technique used in newspaper printing.
In 1991, a documentary was made by director Chris Hunt, where the artist Roy Lichtenstein himself talks about his work.