Lisa Ray - Evening Vacation

Lisa Ray • Malerei, 2024, 40×50 cm
Über das Kunstwerk
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Kunstgattung: Malerei
Motiv und Objekte: Fantasy
Kunststil: Surrealismus
Technik: Öl
Materialien: Leinwand
Erstellungsdatum: 2024
Größe: 40×50 cm
Eigentümer: Lisa Ray
Das Kunstwerk befindet sich in den ausgewählten Sammlungen: 1 selection

Bildbeschreibung «Lisa Ray - Evening Vacation»

The painting acts as an allegory on the theme of inner peace and the importance of detachment from everyday worries and problems.
Through this work, the artist conveys the idea of the need for a temporary retreat from the daily hustle and bustle and the search for inner peace and harmony. The theme of rest after work is relevant for many people, and this work illustrates this idea in a creative way.
The symbolism of an astronaut in weightlessness can be interpreted as a desire to get rid of earthly problems and feel tranquility. The painting represents seclusion and immersion in one's own world, where one can rest and regain strength. The double barrier from the outside world in the form of a glass ball and a spacesuit emphasize even more the fatigue and desire to rest, to feel lightness of mind and body.

The use of black colors and the absence of bright hues create an atmosphere of privacy and serenity. The window overlooking the sea symbolizes the spaciousness and freedom that can be found within oneself. This work of art invites viewers to immerse themselves in a world of silence and relaxation, inspiring them to think about the importance of balance in our hectic lives.
Other artworks by this artist
Lisa Ray - Wind in der Stadt
Lisa Ray - Wind in der Stadt
2015, 80×65 cm
XXI Jahrhundert, 70×70 cm
Zu dir auf den Flügeln der Nacht
Zu dir auf den Flügeln der Nacht
XXI Jahrhundert, 70×70 cm
Nacht kriecht
Nacht kriecht
2018, 50×40 cm
Zauberwürfel des Schicksals
Zauberwürfel des Schicksals
XXI Jahrhundert, 70×70 cm
Wahrsagen durch Gänseblümchen
Wahrsagen durch Gänseblümchen
2017, 50×60 cm
I'm getting a little salty again
I'm getting a little salty again
2021, 50×40 cm
2017, 65×80 cm
Lisa Ray - Frühlingskaviar.
Lisa Ray - Frühlingskaviar.
2017, 5.5×6.5 cm
Lisa Ray - Guardian of the City.
Lisa Ray - Guardian of the City.
2022, 50×40 cm
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