Die Auferstehung des Lazarus

Duccio di Buoninsegna • Malerei, 1311, 43.5×46.4 cm
Über das Kunstwerk
Kunstgattung: Malerei
Motiv und Objekte: Religiöse Szene
Technik: Tempera, Gold
Materialien: Baum
Erstellungsdatum: 1311
Größe: 43.5×46.4 cm
Das Kunstwerk befindet sich in den ausgewählten Sammlungen: 3 selections
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Other artworks by this artist
Maesta, altar of Siena Cathedral
Maesta, altar of Siena Cathedral
44×43 cm
Digital copy
Maesta, altar of Siena Cathedral, front, Altar with scenes of the assumption of Mary: Farewell of the apostles with Mary
Maesta, altar of Siena Cathedral, front, Altar with scenes of the assumption of Mary: Farewell of the apostles with Mary
1308, 54×41 cm
Digital copy
Madonna di Crevole, the scene of Madonna on a throne and two angels
Madonna di Crevole, the scene of Madonna on a throne and two angels
1283, 60×89 cm
Maesta, altar of Siena Cathedral, reverse side, scene: Christ appearing before the apostles at the closed gates
Maesta, altar of Siena Cathedral, reverse side, scene: Christ appearing before the apostles at the closed gates
1308, 51×39 cm
Maesta, the front part, the basis
Maesta, the front part, the basis
16×42 cm
Digital copy
Maesta, altar of Siena Cathedral, reverse side, Register with scenes of the passion of Christ, scene: Christ washes
Maesta, altar of Siena Cathedral, reverse side, Register with scenes of the passion of Christ, scene: Christ washes
1308, 53×100 cm
Maesta, altar of Siena Cathedral, front, predella with scenes from the childhood of Jesus and the prophets, Candlemas
Maesta, altar of Siena Cathedral, front, predella with scenes from the childhood of Jesus and the prophets, Candlemas
43×42 cm
Digital copy
The last supper
The last supper
Maesta, altar of Siena Cathedral, reverse side, Register with scenes of the passion of Christ: entombment and SAEs
Maesta, altar of Siena Cathedral, reverse side, Register with scenes of the passion of Christ: entombment and SAEs
53×101 cm
Digital copy
Maesta, altar of Siena Cathedral, front, predella with scenes from the childhood of Jesus and the prophets, Christmas XP
Maesta, altar of Siena Cathedral, front, predella with scenes from the childhood of Jesus and the prophets, Christmas XP
44×43 cm
Digital copy
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Natbrmort of uveta and apricot
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