Indian scout

Albert Birštadt • Malerei, 1860-er , 35.6×45.7 cm
Über das Kunstwerk
Kunstgattung: Malerei
Motiv und Objekte: Landschaft
Technik: Öl
Materialien: Papier
Erstellungsdatum: 1860-er
Größe: 35.6×45.7 cm
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Other artworks by this artist
Immigrants crossing the plains. Fragment
Immigrants crossing the plains. Fragment
1867, 152.4×243.8 cm
Indian summer on the Hudson river
Indian summer on the Hudson river
1861, 61×104.1 cm
Sunset in California, Yosemite
Sunset in California, Yosemite
1863, 72.4×55.9 cm
Digital copy
The pier with the ship in the dock
The pier with the ship in the dock
1863, 34.3×49.5 cm
Valley Of The Kings Canyon, CA
Valley Of The Kings Canyon, CA
1870-th , 76.2×111.8 cm
The coast of the river Platte, ne
The coast of the river Platte, ne
1864, 30.5×45.7 cm
Two men in a canoe
Two men in a canoe
1866, 35.6×49.2 cm
Forest stream
Forest stream
1860-th , 49.5×34.3 cm
Landscape with pond and cows. Fragment
Landscape with pond and cows. Fragment
1860-th , 35.5×49.5 cm
A view in the Bahamas
A view in the Bahamas
1879, 35.2×48.6 cm
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Natbrmort of uveta and apricot
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